We are finally working out this bloging business and the kinks in the compter now all the buttons are working
On with the blog!!
WE ARE NOW WORKING ON OUR GARDEN PLAN WE WILL PLANT A COLOURFUL GRADEN WITH VEG AND FLOWERS AND RABBIT FOOD FOR OUR PET RABBIT 'HUTCH'. Rainbow swiss chard and carrots and as well as Wooly Lambs Ears. We will starts seeds soon.

The Ducks need a bath big time winter mud and wearing it. Our baby duck is a boy and not a girl like we frist thought Emma is now Emmit and he looks like his daddy and he is nearly a year.
Donald his dad is showing him how to flap his wings and manage those big feet.Daisy is Emmit mom getting ready to sit on more eggs.
Molly is our grey donkey she misses her friend Dolly and she is very lonely, all though she has the 4 alpacas and the 8 sheep she still needs a donkey friend.

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