Wednesday, August 24, 2011

the sheeps in the field

The sheep are really enjoying the going down to the field and they really like it there

and the rest of the animals are all doing good

Hutch our little bunny rabbit is doing well he like eating lots of greens

We are gowing some stawberrys in the greenhouse they look ymm

have a good weekend

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All the animals are good

Our animals are all going good and Molly the donkey is doing well

The sheep are down in the filed today and they really like their

have a good summer

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the greenhouse beans and tomato growing

We are growing beans in the greenhouse they look really good
and we are also growing tomato in their to.

All the animals are doing good and they are looking good
and have a good summer

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blue the goat and Molly the dinkey

Blue the goats like laying down in the bath tub and she thinks it bath time

All the Animals are really enjoying the nice sunny weather
and Molly the donkey like it to.

Have a good summer everyone