Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It takes most of the moring to wash eggs on Mondays, Our hens are producing 14 to 15doz during Saturday thorough to Monday. Yeah! we're back in business !

A funny thing happended last Friday, the sheep got loose and wondered into the rental gardens we got them out of

there just in time. whew !

We had a farewell party for our boss, it was very special and we will miss him a lot. Thanks to our Kitchen manage, the food and drink was Awesome!

Happy Canada Day!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It is starting to feel like summer yeah! Temperatures are in the warm 23 c in the Cowichan Valley

Goada the goat was enjoying his breakfast munching the apple tree leaves he must have been really hungry.

Molly the Donkey is really enjoying my friendship she likes her coat brushed and often times lays her head on my knee.

lets hope the summer stays warm!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our Alpac's have been acting up; they seem do this once in while " Sibling Rivalry! " So ....... Molly the donkey ran one way, Gouda and Blue our goats ran the other way, and the farm animals were NOT HAPPY!

We have moved Beautiful Colourful Planters in front of the farm store although we haven't had much sunshine, the whole area shines with Colour.

The Hoedown is on Saturday many guests and our workers will be attending, it should be really good! some guests dress-up in costumes. this is an auction, dinner and dance to fund raise for
Providence Farm.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The fkowers are blooming

It seems to be a cooler month and the sunshine hasn't been around much the month of May and beginning of June. Mother Nature is still making Our flowers bloom

So we see the sunshine in the faces of Providence Farm Flowers

It will be a lot of fun

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This Morning as we prepared to gather chicken eggs , Our Favorite Donald duck passed away

peacefully under his favorite tree he lived for 10 years and he had a good life!

he loved eating blackberries.

Our new birds are starting to lay eggs "poulets" It shouldn't be too long before they are regular

size eggs

Our lambs little Laura, little Grace are growing so fast